Issue - decisions

Additional Adult Social Care and Resources (previously Contingencies and Grant Use April 2018-2020)

09/05/2018 - Additional Adult Social Care Support and Resources (formerly 'Contingencies and Grant use April 2018-2020')

Resolved:  (i)      That the report, detailing the positive impact of the measures put in place to reduce Delayed Transfers of Care and alleviate system pressures faced by Health and Social Care, be noted.


                   (ii)      That approval be given to maintain the existing additional activity and release the £800k recurring budget from the funding set aside in the 2018/19 budget for pressures relating to Adult Social Care, to fund the activities put in place and outlined in the report proposals.


                   (iii)     That approval be given to release the £457k non-recurring Adult Social Care Support Grant 2018/19 budget for pressures relating to Adult Social Care, to fund additional support as proposed.


Reason:     To:

·        reduce the number of people with social care needs entering acute care and staying in hospital longer than necessary;

·        reduce the demand for formal ongoing health and social care;

·        stabilise the local provider market to enable the council to secure placements at a reasonable rate;

and therefore make more efficient and effective use of the resources available and support more people to maintain or maximise their independence.



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