Issue - decisions

Budget Pressures - Adult Social Services

05/12/2006 - Supporting People Update and Complex Cases in Adult Social Services

Members considered a report which provided an update on the current funding position of the Supporting People (SP) Programme, advised of cost pressures arising from new, complex cases in adult social services and sought approval to call off funding from contingency for these cases in 2006/7.


RESOLVED: (i)         That the funding position relating to Supporting People, and the fact that growth will need to be provided as part of the budget process for 2007/8 to deal with the additional cost pressure to the Council, be noted.


REASON:      So that the Executive is briefed on the context of budget pressures before considering the budget requirements for 2007/8.


                        (ii)        That a call off of £400k from contingency be approved, for additional complex cases in adult social services in 2006/7.


REASON:      To enable Housing and Adult Social Services to meet the additional costs arising from the increase in complex cases.


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