Issue - decisions

Main Street, Fulford - Proposed Pedestrian Refuge near Fordlands Road

12/12/2006 - Proposed Pedestrian Refuge Island on A19 Main Street Fulford near Fordlands Road

Advice of the Advisory Panel

That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to :


(i)                 Note the report;


(ii)               Adopt Option 1;

(To advertise the TRO for the waiting restrictions associated with the scheme in Annex A of the report and to implement the scheme, subject to funding approval, if no objections are received. If objections are received these would either be dealt with through the Officer in Consultation process or reported back to this Advisory Panel)


(iii)             Approve that the TRO for the waiting restrictions associated with the scheme in Annex A be advertised and, subject to no objections being received and the scheme proceeding, the order be made;


(iv)              To delegate authority to the Director and Executive Member for City Strategy in consultation with the Opposition Spokesperson and Ward Member(s) to consider any objections to the TRO at an Officer in Consultation meeting.      


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                                            (i) To inform Members;


                                                              (ii) To provide a pedestrian refuge as soon as possible;


(iii) To enable the waiting restrictions associated with the scheme to be implemented;  


(iv) To resolve any objections to the TRO.


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