Issue - decisions

Skelton (A19) Speed Management

12/12/2006 - Skelton Speed Management Scheme

Advice of the Advisory Panel

That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to :

(i)                 Approve the 50 mph speed limit scheme, as shown in annex two, as the preferred solution, subject to funding;


(ii)     Authorise further consultation on the preferred scheme, including      advertisement of the necessary Traffic Regulation Order;


      (iii)   Delegate authority to the Director and Executive Member for City Strategy to make a decision on the scheme progressing, including the making of the necessary Traffic Regulation Order (TRO), following consideration of the consultation feedback, including any objections to the TRO, at an Officer In Consultation  (OIC) meeting;


(iv)              To include the implementation of this scheme as a spending option when the 2006/07 Transport Capital Programme is reviewed (under another item on this agenda) or, if this is not possible, to considered it  when the 2007/08 Transport Capital Programme is determined;

(v)                Approve that a six monthly and annual monitoring report be produced to monitor the situation.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                                            To help address local concerns over traffic speeds.


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