Issue - decisions

Street Scene

21/11/2006 - Street Scene Review

Members considered a report which presented recommendations to improve the delivery of the Street Scene service, following a review of the service over the summer.


RESOLVED: (i)         That the implementation of the new service, commencing with a pilot zone in December 2006, be approved.


(ii)               That the zones be as described in Annex A to the report.


(iii)             That the pilot zone be the West Zone.


(iv)              That the name for the new service be “York Neighbourhood Pride Service.


(v)                That a review of the pilot be presented to the Executive, with the intention that the service be rolled out to other zones by March 2007.


(vi)              That the Executive record its thanks to all staff involved in creating the new service.


REASONS:    In order to improve the actual and perceived condition and appearance of the City’s streets, housing estates and publicly accessible services, building on the improvements already achieved under the York Pride initiative.


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