Issue - decisions

Refresh of Housing Revenue Account Business Plan

16/11/2017 - Refresh of Housing Revenue Account Business Plan

Resolved:  (i)      That Option 1, to adopt the HRA Business Plan set out in Annex A to the report, be approved.


Reason:     The plan sets out the priorities for the HRA for the next five years and gives clear messages as to the commitment to continue to invest in the council’s existing stock and local communities and to build much needed social rented housing.


                   (ii)      That the use of Right to Buy receipts and the investment fund to purchase ‘first refusal’ council tenancies and appropriate properties on the open market, within the limits stated in the report, be approved.


Reason:     In order to support the priorities in the HRA Business Plan.


                   (iii)     That it be agreed that there is no longer a requirement to conduct a stock options appraisal.


Reason:     In the light of the changes that have happened since the original decision was made at Executive and the expressed desire of residents’ associations to remain with the authority.


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