Issue - decisions

Capital Programme Outturn

29/06/2017 - Capital Programme Outturn

Resolved: That the Executive;


1.   Note the 2016/17 capital outturn position of £35.751m and approve the requests for re-profiling totalling £17.196m from the 2016/17 programme to future years.


2.   Note the adjustments to schemes increasing expenditure in 2016/17 by a net £519k.


3.   Note the adjustments to schemes increasing expenditure in future years totalling £11.339 in 2017/18 and £10.286m in 2018/19.


4.   Recommend to Full Council the restated 2017/18 to 2021/22 programme of £252.615m as summarised in Table 3 and detailed in Annex A.


5.   Approve the use of £38k from Capital contingency to fund the purchase of land at Piccadilly in 2017/18 as set out in paragraph 48-50.


6.   Approve the use of £150k from Capital contingency to the Mansion House scheme in 2017/18 as set out in paragraph 55-60.


Reason:     To enable the effective management and monitoring of the Council’s capital programme.


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