Issue - decisions

Future of Connexions Service

28/02/2007 - Future of Connexions Service

RESOLVED: (i)         That the transfer of Connexions Service Responsibilities to the local authority from April 2008 be noted.


REASON:      In order to prepare for the new responsibilities.


                        (ii)        That an integrated service for young people be established.


REASON:      In order to continue the strategy already developed and to streamline management costs,


                        (iii)       That staff teams be integrated in locality bases.


REASON:      To provide a more accessible service to young people.


                        (iv)       That some work continue to be sub-contracted to the private, voluntary and community sectors.


REASON:      To purchase provision from those who can deliver specialist work beyond the scope and expertise of the Council.


                        (v)        That the Council manage the Connexions contract as a direct provider, as set out in Option 1, subject to continuing reassurance that this option represents an efficient use of available resources.


REASON:      In order to establish the terms of reference for the transfer document and to authorise staff to carry out the related work programme.


                        (vi)       That the operation of the current contract be reviewed in order to establish whether there is a need to continue to procure specific services from external providers.


REASON:      To ensure continuity of provision and maintain service quality.


                        (vii)      That a further report be received, from the Directors of Learning Culture and Children’s Services, Resources, and People and Improvement, once transfer documents have been agreed with North Yorkshire County Council.


REASON:      So that a final decision can be made about the deployment of resources from April 2008 and to be satisfied that the Council is not exposed to unfunded risks and liabilities.


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