Issue - decisions

Recycling and Reuse

25/10/2006 - Final Report of the Recycling and Reuse Scrutiny Sub Committee: Recycling and Reuse – Removing Bulky Items from the Waste Stream

RESOLVED: (i)         That the report from the Scrutiny Board be noted with thanks.


                        (ii)        That Officers prepare a report for the next Executive meeting detailing the proposed roll out arrangements for the cardboard collection service to the remaining 40,000 properties on alternate weekly collection, to ensure that this system maximises the diversion from landfill, which can then be re-invested into the service for expansion to new areas.


                        (iii)       That Officers prepare a report for the next Executive meeting detailing the communication strategy for the Winter Collection System and examining ways in which this can be done to reduce costs which can in turn be invested into the recycling service.


                        (iv)       That the Recycling Team continue to co-ordinate applications for funding which can be utilised corporately from external sources.


                        (v)        That Officers develop ways for improved working with the Bicycle Recovery Project at the Household Waste Recycling Centres.


                        (vi)       That Officers look at ways in which bulky item collection can be integrated with schemes like the Community Furniture Store.


                        (vii)      That Officers work with the Equalities Officer to devise test schemes for box collection schemes in the City.


REASON:      In order to respond appropriately to the recommendations of the Scrutiny Committee, in the context of current work in this area and the review of Neighbourhood Services.


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