Issue - decisions
York Central - Consultation on Highway Access Options
24/11/2016 - York Central - Consultation on Access Options
Resolved: That Executive agree:
(i) To take up the West Yorkshire Transport Fund (WYTF) funding allocated for York Central and to confirm that the York Central access route will be part funded by CYC;
(ii) To undertake further consultation on the access route for York Central as part of a future York Central planning strategy, with high level, ongoing engagement across the City in relation to the access route, with particular regard being given to residents most directly affected;
(iii) Subject to the council agreeing to join the West Yorkshire Transport Fund, to agree to fund the access route definition and design outlined in the report from the £2.15 WYTF Gateway 1 allocation;
(iv) To note the appointment of Development and Technical Advisors to develop a detailed planning strategy for the York Central Partners.
Reason: (i) To ensure the delivery of York Central.
(ii) To ensure that a range of access options have been considered.
(iii) To enable timely progress on the York Central project.
(iv) To ensure that a development scheme for the York Central site can be delivered.