Issue - decisions

Bus Fare Policy - Notice of Motion from Councillor Andy D'Agorne

27/09/2006 - Bus Service Fares (First York)

Members considered a report detailing the fares charged on bus services provided in the City by First York Ltd in response to a motion by Cllr D’Agorne at Full Council in which he raised concern about the significant fare increases since 1 January 2006.


Members noted the comments made earlier by Cllr D’Agorne and his request that the item be deferred until a further officer report could be presented which responded to the motion as a whole.


It was also noted that the report did not refer to Quality Contracts and therefore it was agreed that the amended report should also include analysis of their advantages and disadvantages.


RESOLVED:             That the item be deferred until a more extensive officer report can be produced.


REASON:                  To allow the Executive to make an informed decision.


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