Issue - decisions

Response to the Recommendations of the Sustainable Street Lighting Scrutiny Board

08/11/2006 - Response to the Recommendations of the Sustainable Street Lighting Scrutiny Board

RESOLVED: (i)         That the Scrutiny report be welcomed and that the Executive record its appreciation of the work of those Members and Officers involved in the production of the report.


                        (ii)        That the recommendations of the Scrutiny Sub-Committee be agreed, subject to the amendments detailed below:



Executive Response

1. Street Lighting Officers discuss and renegotiate the rate charged to the authority for lamp stock electricity supply to minimise financial costs and ensure that the contract to CYC includes upwards of 20% renewable sourcing to be increased towards a target of 100%.

Agreed, with the following addition:  Insert at the end of the recommendation

 “where the supplier is able to provide renewable sourced energy and subject to the outcome of the forthcoming procurement of energy for street lighting, which will be reported to Members for decision.'

2. Street Lighting and Finance Officers ensure that the cashable and non cashable energy and financial savings are reported in Gershon Efficiencies responses, ring fenced and invested in increasingly sustainable street lighting stock.

Not agreed.

Re-word as follows:

Insert, after “Gershon Efficiencies responses”, “and where feasible reinvest following consideration as part of the annual budget process”.

3. Street Lighting Officers with the assistance of the Sustainability Officer ensure that CO2 emissions from energy use in street lighting stock are reported annually under EMAS and that targets are set for annual carbon savings.

Agreed, with the following addition:

Insert, at the end of the recommendation: “provided that appropriate resources can be allocated to deliver the savings proposals”.


4. Street Lighting Officers should complete the audit and database detailing street lighting stock in line with best practice and the "whole life" details outlined at para 20 as a matter of urgency prior to renegotiating the electricity contract this year.

Agreed,  with the following addition Re-word to:

“Street Lighting Officers should use the newly completed and audited inventory detailing the street lighting stock to renegotiate the electricity supply contract this year”.

5. Upon completion of Audit, Street Lighting Officers should prepare a Street Lighting Strategy for submission to the Executive.

Agreed, with the following change

Remove the words “Upon completion of Audit”.

Add: “The Strategy should include a requirement to implement new technology when appropriate”.

6. Street Lighting Officers should maintain their established contact with pilot authorities trialling Photovoltaic (PV) lighting and other sustainable technologies and endeavour to keep track of the best versions of this technology available.


7. Street Lighting Officers should recommend the use of PV powered "standalone" systems and other sustainable technologies as the technologies improve and community netted systems installations for areas of the authority without grid netting requiring lighting. Officers should, in this instance, consider whole life costs of installation, including offsetting the installation costs against savings made from electricity billing during the systems life. That the position of using PV and any other advances to sustainable technologies should be included in the annual "Highways Report"


8. That Sub Committee considering the final report of the former Planning and Transport Scrutiny Board regarding sustainable development be requested to include a recommendation to developers – in the form of an amendment to the Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) – that all new or significantly refurbished developments should give consideration to incorporating sustainable street lighting. Officers to research and investigate the inclusion of a more detailed policy to address this issue as part of the development of the "Local Development Framework".


9. That the City of York Council's Elected Member Energy Champion, Street Lighting Officer and Grants and Partnership Accountant create a bid to "Intelligent Energy Europe" with the aim of securing funding to install an intelligent lighting network.


Not agreed.

Insert instead, “that officers, in consultation with the Executive member for Strategy and the Councils Energy Champion, at an appropriate time, report on the options for developing a bid for funding to support the development of an intelligent lighting network for the City, including the availability of resources from European sources such as IEE II”.

10. That the Elected Member Energy Champion present a first version of the Regional Assembly's questionnaire to the Executive in September and thereafter the Regional Assembly, as a record of the authority's position across all sectors to date.

Not agreed.

Insert “That information, including any response to regional questionnaires,  on the Councils position be reported to the City Strategy EMAP at an appropriate time”

11. That the Elected Member Energy Champion present six monthly updates of the Regional Assembly's questionnaire to the Executive and thereafter the Regional Assembly, as a record of the authority's progress on energy across all sectors.

Not agreed.

Insert “That information, including any response to regional questionnaires,  on the Council s position be reported to the City Strategy EMAP as part of the annual performance review process”

12. That the Executive Member instruct the Street Lighting (and/or Other relevant) Officer(s) to ensure that aesthetic building illumination (spots on the Guildhall and other key architectural buildings within CYC's property portfolio) use light sensors to come on only when required and do not remain on through the entire night (i.e. are switched off at 01:00 hrs) with a view to reducing electricity usage and emissions.

Agreed, subject to the production of a report on the financial implications of adopting such a policy.



REASONS:    In order to develop a clear programme of works in response to the Board’s recommendations, taking into account the Council’s financial position and work already in progress, to ensure financial controls and reporting procedures are in place and to enable the procurement of energy for street lighting to progress without delay.


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