Issue - decisions

Early Years SEN Funding Arrangements

18/10/2006 - Early Years SEN Funding Arrangements

Members considered a report detailing the funding arrangements for children with Statements of special educational needs (SEN) and about the range of provision available.


The report highlighted the specialist provision that the Local Authority had developed at Hob Moor Oaks Special School and in enhanced resources at St Paul’s Nursery and Burton Green Nursery.  It was noted that it had worked well but in recent years there had been a significant shortfall in take up of places at Burton Green Nursery and an increase in the number of children with special needs who attended playgroups, day nurseries, private and maintained nurseries.


Some parents had asked the local Authority to formally name one of those settings on their child’s Statement and fund the support which was required.  This had resulted in the need to realign resources in response to changing patterns of need and parental preference.


Members were asked to consider the closing of Burton Green enhanced nursery resource at the end of the financial year and the use of the current delegated funding of £24k to create a budget which could support children with Statements of SEN in a much more diverse range of Early Years settings.  It was accepted that this would enable the Authority to be more responsive to parental wishes and would be in line with its policy of inclusion.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member:

i.                     Agree to the closure of Burton Green Enhanced Nursery Resource at the end of the financial year

ii.                   Ask officers to seek approval from the Schools Forum for the transfer of £24k from the ISB to the Central SEN budget in 2007/8, as an exception to the DfES central expenditure limits


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To ensure a more efficient use of resources and enable the Authority to respond positively to changing patterns of need and demand


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