Issue - decisions

Condition Report and Short Term Options for Investment in the Guildhall

25/07/2007 - Guildhall Repair and Maintenance, Disabled Access and Minor Improvement Needs

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised:


 (i)           That the Corporate Landlord be directed to review, consider and present options for the future use and management of the Guildhall, and that the review should include the issues identified in the body of this report;

(ii)           That the Corporate Landlord be directed to prepare a business plan that takes account of the review and includes a medium to long-term plan for investment in this building complex;

(iii)                   That Option A be recommended as their preferred option for responding to identified repair and maintenance needs.

(iv)                    That Option A be recommended as their preferred option for responding to identified DDA needs.

(v)                      That the upgrading of the incoming mains and additional power sockets to the main hall be recommended as their preferred option for responding to identified minor improvement needs.

(vi)                    That the cost of hiring sound systems for the Guildhall and whether any funds would be available to purchase a new sound system be investigated.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To discharge the council’s immediate and statutory maintenance requirements until the Corporate Landlord presents the report on the medium to long term strategy of the building.                  

To discharge the council’s immediate and statutory DDA requirements until the Corporate Landlord presents the report on the medium to long term strategy of the building.

To improve the health and safety and user experience of the Guildhall. Other enhancements should be deferred until the medium to long term strategy of the building has been agreed.


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