Issue - decisions

Rufforth and Knapton Neighbourhood Plan boundary

06/08/2015 - Rufforth and Knapton Neighbourhood Plan boundary

Rufforth and Knapton Parish Council submitted an application for a Neighbourhood Plan area. The Council formally published Rufforth and Knapton Parish Council's application from 11th May to 8th June 2015. 27 representations were received in response to the application for a Rufforth and Knapton Neighbourhood Plan. 25 of these are in support of the application, 1 makes a comment about consulting adjacent Parishes and 1 submits a site for inclusion as a housing allocation in the Plan. The Assistant Director Development Services, Planning and Regeneration (under delegated authority) considered these representations to decide whether the Parish area is an appropriate neighbourhood plan area and whether the Parish Council are an appropriate body to draft the Neighbourhood Plan.
The Assistant Director Approved the boundary application to allow the creation of a Neighbourhood Plan for the whole of the parish area of Rufforth and Knapton in line with the national guidance.


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