Issue - decisions

Southern Gateway

29/10/2015 - York's Southern Gateway

Resolved: That the Executive agree to:

(i)           Progress to the development stage of the Southern Gateway project and to appoint a Project Manager using grant funding from One Public Estate to take this work forward.

(ii)          Commence a procurement exercise to identify a joint venture partner to redevelop 17-21 Piccadilly.

(iii)        Create a conceptual framework for development of the Southern Gateway area and prepare for a public consultation.

(iv)    Develop a business case for development of the Southern Gateway which will involve undertaking feasibility work to assess the technical, planning and financial deliverability of development of the Southern Gateway. A report will be brought back to Executive to agree a future approach.

(v)     A budget of £185,000 to be financed from New Homes Bonus, with specific allocations from the budget to be confirmed by the Chief Executive and the Leader of the Council, to enable development of a fully worked up business case for the development of the Southern Gateway area.

(vi)    Undertake transport modelling and review parking and access arrangements for the Southern Gateway area.

(vii)    Explore potential delivery mechanisms and commence discussions with land owners in the area.

Reason:     To deliver early improvement to Piccadilly, to generate capital receipt, and to develop robust plans for the future regeneration of the Southern Gateway area.



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