Issue - decisions

PROW - Public Path Network Development Project

12/12/2006 - PROW - Network Development, Proposed Development of the Public Path Network using Legal Orders

Advice of the Advisory Panel

That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised :


1.     To authorise the Head of City Strategy Directorate to instruct the Head of Civic, Democratic Legal Services to make the necessary Public Path Orders to implement Proposals 1 (with the amendment of the realignment of the path), 2, and 3 (with the addition of the further section of path to be moved) (or any combination of proposals 1 to 3 depending on consideration of each proposal) and alter the legal alignments of sections of public footpaths Askham Bryan No. 5, Skelton No.s 7 and 8 and Strensall No.17.


2.     That if no objections are received to the making of the orders, or that if any objections that are received are subsequently withdrawn, the Head of Civic Democratic and Legal Services be authorised to confirm the Orders recommended in 1. above.

3.     That if objections are received in relation to one or more of the proposed diversions and not subsequently withdrawn, the Head of Civic, Democratic and Legal Services be authorised to confirm the Order in respect to the public footpath(s) where no objection was received.

4.     That if objections are received to any of the orders and such objections have been considered already within this report and not subsequently withdrawn, the order or orders to which the objection(s) relates be passed to the Secretary of State for determination.

5.     That if objections are received to any of the orders and such objections have not been considered already within this report, a further report be placed before the Committee, to enable Members to consider whether or not pass the Order(s) to the Secretary of State for determination.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.       


REASON:                  The orders would develop the public path network for the benefit of the public and the future management of the routes and the proposed orders also meet the criteria of the relevant legislation.


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