Issue - decisions

Burdyke Avenue Improvement Scheme - Follow Up

09/06/2015 - Burdyke Avenue Improvement Scheme - Follow Up

Director asked at the time of the previous decision whether it was possible to make the layby longer. Officers have made further utilities investigations and discovered that there is a large electric cable which crosses the verge/footway immediately to the east of where the proposed layby finishes. It isn't possible to extend the layby west, as doing this would conflict with traffic turning in and out of St Philip's Grove. As a result of these factors, the engineers have concluded that it is not possible to provide a longer layby without incurring an unacceptable cost increase. Director noted the feedback. Director agreed to go ahead with the scheme as it is shown in Annex C of the attached report, given that it is not possible to have a longer layby. Director also agreed to commence implementation now, specifically advertising the TRO and contacting the utilities companies to arrange service redirection.


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