Issue - decisions

Riverside fencing

30/12/2014 - Riverside fencing

To agree a standardised fence design as part of the improved safety measures for York's riverbanks as recommended in the RoSPA report September 2014.
Following a series of drowning incidents in early 2014 the City Council commissioned RoSPA to review the existing riverside safety measures along the Rivers Ouse and Foss in the city centre in response to the RoSPA report.
* The suitability of the existing post and chain fencing at Wellington Row, Kings Staith and Blue Bridge area has been reviewed.
* The design of new fencing for the area along the River Foss between Foss Islands Road and Rowntree Wharf (rear of Walkers Yard) has been explored.
Inspection of the above areas by officers from Public Realm, Design and Conservation and Health and Safety found the existing style of fencing at Wellington Row, Kings Staith and Blue Bridge area is a suitable design for now and in the future. The reasons for this are that:
* The existing cast-iron design provides a strong indication of potential danger to both children and adults.
* Has only a small visual impact on the setting of the river and city.
* No known fatalities or near misses have been attributed to the design or performance of the existing fencing.
The current equivalent of the post is a Broxap Salford Quays. See
Inspection at existing locations found that post heights varied from 1105-1120mm above ground and intervening chains form very loose swags.
Accordingly, current and future posts will be set a minimum height of 1100mm with all intervening chains being tight. The bottom chain being some 450mm above ground level.

There will be instances where the post and chain aesthetic is not appropriate or offers sufficient protection. These are when railings are an integral part of the adjacent architecture, often when the architecture is a contemporary design. An example of this is the City Screen railings and high level walkway over the Ouse. In such instance the Salford Quays design will not apply.


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