Issue - decisions

Lendal Bridge Options

20/01/2015 - Lendal Bridge Repayment Process


Resolved:  That Cabinet agree to:

i)          Instruct officers to instigate a process to automatically provide written notification to all persons issued with a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) (who has not received a payment) in respect of Lendal Bridge advising them of the online refund request process to contest their PCN.

ii)        Confirm that the deadline for submitting a claim under the scheme will be 31st December 2015.

iii)       Approve the use of £150,000 of New Homes Bonus (from 2014/15 allocation) to fund the administrative costs of making repayments.

Reason:      (i)     To ensure the means of contesting the PCN is widely communicated and all reasonable attempts have been made to inform persons issued with a PCN of the process.

(ii)   To provide certainty for everyone involved and ensure financial accountability and good governance of the process.

(iii)   To provide appropriate budgetary provision for the costs of administering the refund scheme.




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