Issue - decisions

Charging Policy Framework - Care Bill

16/12/2014 - Care Act Policy Framework (Finance)


Resolved:  That Cabinet agree:


(i)           The three policies for Deferred and Direct Payments, and Revised Charging set out at Paragraph 5 – 17 and set out at Annex A, B and C of the report;


(ii)          The administration fee for self funders set out at Option 3 and paragraph 16;


(iii)        The deferred payment fee set out at Option 4 and in detail within Annex D of the report;


(iv)        The delegated power to make minor policy amendments in line with the Care Act to the Council’s Chief Financial Officer in consultation with the Director of Adult Services (Paragraph 18);


(v)         That the Council does not adopt the universal opportunity to charge carers but reserves the right to do so in certain cases (Para 17 & Option 6).



Reason:  (i)           To provide a policy framework to comply with the Care Act 2014 and the Acts objectives for the residents of York. 


               (ii & iii)   To cover the costs of the council carrying out this work. 



(iv)       To ensure the policies are kept up to date and are accurate. 


(v)       The administrative cost would likely be higher than any gain and it may send a negative message to carers.



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