Issue - decisions

Community Stadium & City Leisure Facilities

09/09/2014 - Community Stadium and Leisure Facilities Update

Resolved: That Cabinet agree to:

(i)           Proceed with the procurement on the basis of the proposals set out in the report, to deliver the ‘New Stadium Leisure Complex’ and the estimated project timetable set out in Table 3.


(ii)          Note that Greenwich Leisure Ltd have been nominated as the Preferred Bidder following the Competitive Dialogue procurement exercise.

(iii)     Note the overall financial position and programme management arrangements as presented noting the financial risks and potential resultant liabilities that may arise as a result of proceeding with the scheme through the detailed planning submission and construction phases.

(iv)        Proceed with the submission of a detailed planning application on behalf of the Council by the preferred bidder seeking approval for the proposals for the New Stadium Leisure Complex.


(v)         The appropriation of the proposed stadium complex and leisure facilities site to planning purposes under S.122 of the Local Government Act 1972 and Section 237 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 on the basis that the appropriation will facilitate the carrying out of development, re-development or improvement works on the land which will contribute to the promotion or improvement of the economic, environmental or social well-being of the Council’s area.



(vi)        Work with relevant stakeholders in looking at community management options for Yearsley Pool as set out in paragraph 35 of the report should the operator not take up the option to operate the pool at no additional cost.


(vii)      Note the position of the project partners and the implications of proceeding and any potential delays.

(viii)   Note the progress of the off-site facilities and          their associated issues, risks and timetable for financial close.

(ix)     Note, and accept, the risks set out in the risk management section of the report, and the financial implications section.

Reason:      To update Members on the procurement of the New Stadium Leisure Complex and in order to progress the scheme to provide a landmark leisure destination for the City.




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