Issue - decisions

Scrutiny Budget Outturn 2005/6 and Budget Position 2006/7 [7.15-7.25pm]

28/06/2006 - Scrutiny Budget Outturn 2005/6 and Budget Position 2006/7 [7.15-7.25pm]

Members considered a report which briefly detailed the scrutiny budget outturn position for 2005/6 and asked how they wanted to allocate budget resources in 2006/7.


The outturn position for 2005/6 had previously been included in a full City Strategy EMAP report  and this highlighted a final under spend of circa £7k due to staffing vacancies and the fact that one member of staff had opted not to be in the pension scheme.


Members considered whether to continue to allocate a nominal fee of £250 to each established Scrutiny Committee, Ad-hoc or Standing, to support their administration costs in undertaking reviews.  It was suggested that this should be reviewed by SMC should Committees find this amount does not adequately cover the associated ancillary costs.




·         That the budget outturn for 2005/6 be noted


·         That a flat sum of £250 be allocated per Scrutiny Committee to assist with administrations costs for the timebeing


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