Issue - decisions

General Fund - Provisional Revenue Out-turn 2005/06

28/06/2006 - General Fund - Provisional Revenue Out-turn 2005/06

RESOLVED: (i)         That the provisional out-turn position, and especially the impact of overspending areas, as identified in paragraphs 16 and 17 of the report, be noted.


                        (ii)        That the use of the underspend on the former DEDS service areas to repay the Venture Fund loan be approved.


                        (iii)       That the requests to carry forward into 2006/07 funds totalling £1,158k for general fund services, as detailed in Annex 4 and summarised in paragraph 48, be approved, subject to the Directors of both Children’s and Adult Social Services implementing proposals to restrict expenditure on 2006/07 within agreed budget limits.


                        (iv)       That the request to carry forward £19.8k for the Housing Revenue Account, as detailed in Annex 4 and summarised in paragraph 52, be approved.


                        (v)        That the creation of a job evaluation reserve, as set out in paragraph 66, be approved.


                        (vi)       That Officers be instructed to ensure that £100k of the underspend is earmarked for allocation to the York Pride / Ward Committee Neighbourhood Unit budgets, subject to no costs being incurred with re-billing when the results of the Council’s appeal against Capping are known.


(vii) That the transfer of the remaining underspend to revenue reserves be approved.


REASONS:    In order to achieve a balanced budget and make best use of the underspend incurred in the 2004/05 financial year.


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