Issue - decisions

Lendal Bridge Trial Evaluation Report

06/05/2014 - Lendal Bridge Trial Evaluation Report

Resolved:  That Cabinet agree:

(i)           To note the Leaders decision made on 8th April 2014 to end the Lendal Bridge trial from 12th April 2014.

(ii)          That no expenditure is committed from the net receipts at this time prior to the resolution of the legal process. This will be subject to a future cabinet report.

(iii)        That Councillor Reid’s motion is referred back to Council in July 2014 together with details of any discussion on the issues raised.

(iv)        To note the Leaders decision to establish an independently chaired, cross party congestion commission and to request that the scope of the commission be brought to a future meeting.

Reason:     (i)      As a result of significant public interest that emerged on the issue and the need for urgent clarification.

     (ii)       This is the most prudent approach to treating the income at this time.

     (iii)      In accordance with the Council’s Constitution.

 (iv)     To consider how the impacts of future congestion can be mitigated.





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