Issue - decisions
University Road Cycle Route & Crossing Improvement Scheme
13/03/2014 - University Road Cycle Route & Crossing Improvement Scheme
Resolved: (i) That in-principle approval be given for the scheme proposals, as shown in annexes A and B of the report, subject to further discussions regarding the second entrance onto the spiral ramp and a more direct access from the bus stop.
(ii) That approval be given to enter into a ‘Heads of Terms’ agreement between the City of York and the University of York, as shown in Annex D of the report.
(iii) That an external consultation exercise be conducted on the scheme proposals, as shown in Annexes A and B of the report, including the advertisement of the 20mph Speed Limit Order.
(iv) That the consultation exercise also include the cycle route scheme (Annex C of the report), subject to the jughandle alteration.
Reason: To improve pedestrian safety in University Road.