Issue - decisions

Accounts Submitted for Write Off

21/03/2007 - Accounts Submitted for Write-Off

(i)           That the write-off of the amount of £153,237, as shown in paragraph 4 of the report (with individual debts listed in Annexes A-C), be approved, taking note that each debt has a value greater than £2,000;


(ii)         That the write-off of £771,906 of accounts valued at less than £2,000 for the 6 month period to 31st March 2007 (as shown in paragraph 4 of the report), under the Head of Finance’s delegated authority, be noted;


(iii)       That the write-off of a further £557,025, as shown in the supplementary report (with individual debts listed in Annex D), be approved, taking note that each debt has a value greater than £2,000.


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