Issue - decisions

Fairness and Equalities - Progress Report

16/12/2013 - Fairness and Equalities - Progress Report

Resolved:  (i)      That the following be noted;


·        The areas of achievements identified.

·        The areas of continued focus from Taking Stock and initial findings of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment which will be taken account of in the refresh of the York Equality Scheme.

·        The areas of concern and how these concerns are to be addressed.


                   (ii)      That a process to refresh the York Equality                                Scheme by April 2014 be agreed.


                   (iii)     That the peer review under the Equality                                                Framework for Local Government takes place        in                          the week commencing 19 May 2014.


Reason:     To meet our corporate commitments and provide a fair            and equitable service to City of York residents and                         staff.



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