Issue - decisions

Future Development of Manor School - Transfer of Land

26/07/2006 - Proposed Development of Manor School

RESOLVED: (i)         That the outcome of the consultation on proposals to expand and relocate Manor School be noted and that it be noted that no objections were received during the four week statutory “representation” period following publication of statutory notices.


                        (ii)        That it be noted that the statutory School Organisation Committee has supported the proposal to increase the size of Manor School to a 900 place school, by increasing its admission number by 56 children – from 124 in 2006 to 180 in September 2009.


                        (iii)       That it be noted that the Governing Body of Manor School intends to submit a planning application seeking permission to relocate the school to the new site off Millfield Lane.


                        (iv)       That the land transfer proposals set out in paragraph 19 of the report be approved, subject to planning permission being secured for the new school.


                        (v)        That £3.5m be committed to support the development of the new Manor School, from capital receipts generated by the disposal of Council assets at the existing Manor and Lowfield sites.


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