Issue - decisions

Capital Programme Budget 2014/15 - 2018/19

11/02/2014 - Capital Strategy 2014/15 to 2018/19

Recommended: That Council agree to:


(i)        The revised capital programme of £182.700m that reflects a net overall increase of £38.132m (as set out in Paragraph 53, Table 7 and in Annex B of the report). Key elements of this include:


·        Extension of prudential borrowing funded Rolling Programme schemes totalling £11.050m as set out in table 2 and summarised in table 7;


·        New schemes totalling £6.120m including an increase in prudential borrowing of £5.325m as set out in table 3 and summarised in table 7;


·        New externally funded schemes totalling £12.003m as set out in table 4 and summarised in table 7;


·        An increase in HRA funded schemes totalling £8.959m funded from HRA balances of £8.959m as set out in table 5 and summarised in table 7.



(ii)      Approve the full restated programme as summarised in Annex A totalling £182.700m cover financial years 2014/15 to 2018/19 as set out in table 8 and Annex A.


Reason:     To set a balanced capital programme as required by the Local Government Act 2003.



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