Issue - decisions
Business case for Creation of a Warden Call/CELS Social Enterprise
08/05/2013 - Business Case for the Creation of a Warden Call/CELS Social Enterprise
RESOLVED: i) That Cabinet agree to the establishment of the Council’s first social enterprise and to:
ii) Create a mutual, Social Enterprise organisation to provide the Warden Call/CELS service in shadow form to facilitate smooth transition.
iii) Form a Community Interest Company,(in the form of a Company Limited by Guarantee) for the reasons described in sections 4 and 5 of the report.
iv) Provide a further report on progress in December 2013 to seek confirmation of a 1 April 2014 start date for the new organisation
REASON: To create a viable social enterprise opportunity that will provide services to a wider customer base whilst providing value for money to the council.