Issue - decisions

Working Towards a Living Wage

04/12/2012 - Implementing the Living Wage

RESOLVED:       That Cabinet agree to the following for implementing a Living Wage for staff employed within the council:


i)             To adopt an approach for paying a Living Wage for employees with council contracts (excluding apprentices and casual staff), based initially on a discretionary supplement, commencing from 1st April 2013.


ii)            The draw-down of £338k from the Economic Infrastructure Fund to support the Living Wage proposals in the first year for staff with council contracts, including helping schools work towards implementing the Living Wage.


iii)          To develop plans and actions which seek to embed the Living Wage in job design and pay structures by April 2014.


iv)          To agree, as part of the budget process each year, to review the uplift the Living Wage rate annually where possible, informed by information available from national pay negotiations.


v)           To agree ongoing work on the apprentices scheme to establish a Living Wage for apprentices and eventual employment at grades above the Living Wage.


vi)          To embed the Living Wage in procurement activity by April 2014.


REASON:      To deliver a commitment to address low pay for council employees, tackle in-work poverty and as a step towards reducing income inequality which, with the support of other employers in York, will deliver benefits to the whole community.



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