Issue - decisions

Financial Strategy Refresh

17/07/2012 - Financial Strategy Refresh


RESOLVED:          That Cabinet agrees to: 


  i)           The refreshed Financial Strategy and the outline budget planning process for 2013-14 and 2014-15;


ii)            Approve the undertaking of formal consultation including public consultation in line with Best Value Statutory Guidance with regard to implementing a new scheme to reflect the changes to council tax support (as set out in Paragraph 8 vi and Annex A of the report) and that the final scheme details for consultation are agreed with the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services.


REASON:            i)               To ensure that Council meets future financial challenges and produces a sound, prudent budget for 2013-14 and 2014-15.


ii)              To ensure that the council complies with the Government guidance as set out in the DCLG document Localising Support for Council Tax – A statement of intent and to ensure that all stakeholders including customers of the scheme are provided with the opportunity to provide feedback.



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