Issue - decisions

The Affordable Homes Programme 2011-15: Opportunities and Challenges

24/01/2012 - The Affordable Homes Framework and Programme 2011-15: Opportunities and Challenges



(i)           That the introduction of the national Affordable Homes funding framework be noted.

(ii)          That the impact of the Affordable Rent model on existing and new housing association homes in the city be noted.

(iii)        That the investment in new affordable housing in York by housing associations during 2011-15 be welcomed.

(iv)        That option 4 to make changes to the affordable housing policy be noted in particular:

1.   Existing S106 and lease agreements, stipulate no change to current policy for social rented homes to remain on re-let as social rented.

2.   New S106 and lease agreements, stipulate that Affordable Rent levels are capped at no more than 60% of market rents for one bedroom homes and 55% of market rents for two, three and four bedroom homes. 


Reason:  To give a clear and consistently applied policy steer so that housing associations, developers, the Homes and Communities Agency, council officers and other interested parties have clarity on the council’s policies regarding the  Affordable Rent  model and it’s application in York especially on S106 developments and on schemes developed on council owned land. 



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