Issue - decisions

Commissioning Plan for Older People 2006

16/01/2007 - Long Term Commissioning Strategy for Older People in York

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for Adult Social Services be advised to agree Option 2 which recommends embarking on a longer-term programme to reshape services for older people in York and to target interventions where they are most needed and most effective. 

Decision of the Executive Member for Adult Social Services


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel as set out above be accepted and endorsed.


REASONS:    i)  Government messages are clear that strategic commissioning should become a core activity for both local authorities and health.

ii) There will be major challenges in the next 15 years to meet the needs and aspirations of the growing older population in York.

iii) Government policy and local strategy has identified that the current service models need to change to meet these major challenges.

iv) It is essential that we engage user and carers, providers and other stakeholders in identifying the way forward and the long term commissioning strategy will help that dialogue develop.


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