Issue - decisions

Progress Report on IT Strategy 2002 - 2007 (formerly entitled Revisions to Corporate IT Strategy)

25/10/2006 - Review of the CYC ITT Strategy 2002-2007

RESOLVED: (i)         That the excellent progress made during the lifetime of the present IT Strategy for 2002-2007, as set out in paragraphs 2-22 of the report, be noted.


REASON:      To recognise the achievements of the past five years.


                        (ii)        That the Strategy for 2007 to 2012 be developed, including the following six key themes:

1 A rigorous cost benefit analysis to be presented for each change to the system or addition of service.

2 Continuation of the present high standards of service achieved by the ITT infrastructure, by continuing to update the system as required throughout the lifetime of the strategy.

3 Proposals for the implementation of new technology to be supported by a review of the business process involved to ensure that efficiency gains are maximised.

4 Partnership working with other agencies to be high on the agenda.  Links between the Council’s IT strategy and its partners’ IT strategies will need to be developed to ensure effective service delivery.

5 The government’s new t-government agenda (transforming government) to be addressed through the application of the council’s ITT systems to support the new Admin. Accommodation Project, the  easy@york project, the Corporate Effectiveness programme and the efficiency agenda, and as a result transform all aspects of service delivery.

6 Making full use of viable emerging technologies and systems to improve service delivery, e.g. mobile working, home working, wireless networks.


REASON:      In order to build upon the success of the previous Strategy and address the key requirements of t-government and partnership working.


(iii) That the Executive confirms that projects promoting greater efficiency, and demonstrable expenditure savings, must have the highest priority in the use of resources in the future and looks forward to the development of a system which allows the success of projects to be monitored in these terms.


REASON:      In view of the Council’s current financial situation.


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