Issue - decisions
School Travel Plans Ad-hoc Scrutiny Review Final Report
18/01/2011 - School Travel Plans Ad Hoc Scrutiny Committee - Final Report
RESOLVED: That the following be agreed in response to the final report of the Scrutiny Committee:
Scrutiny Recommendation |
Executive decision |
1 - Improve collaborative working across service areas and Directorates to allow for improved forward planning in Schools |
Agreed |
2 - Include in best practice guide for schools -‘encourage year 6 pupils to cycle/walk to secondary schools on induction days to build pupil/parent confidence, in time for starting at secondary school’ (Linked to Rec.10) |
Agreed |
3 - Instruct officers to investigate sources of sustainablefunding for initiatives and incentives for future financial years |
Agreed |
4 - Instruct officers to investigate the introduction of a ‘one-off’ cycle allowance for use in purchasing a bicycle and equipment and/or a loan scheme for bicycles and equipment, in place of free bus travel for those that want it and are eligible |
Agreed that options for stimulating the use of cycles to travel to schools be further investigated and that any revised strategy should seek to address cost issues for less well off children |
5 - Reprioritise the work of Civil Enforcement Officers to allow for an increase in the amount of time they can spend enforcing the parking restrictions outside schools |
Agreed |
6 - Instruct Communities & Neighbourhoods Parking Services to investigate and provide a future report to the Executive on the use of a CCTV car and sharing the costs with other local authorities and/or public agencies |
Agreed to note latest briefing from Neighbourhoods officers |
7 - Revise council policy to ensure Development Control can only accept an STP in support of a school planning application if it adheres to the DfT minimum standards contained within the‘School Travel Plan Quality Assurance - Advice Note’ issued by the DfT & DCSF in2007. In cases where an STP does not meet those standards, instruct Development Control to make it a condition of planning consent, or successor documents. |
Agreed |
8 - Identify a clear strategy for resolving interdirectorate issues to ensure enforcement of conditions of planning consent relating to STPs |
Agreed |
9 - Include in best practice guide for school ‘that a Travel Plan Champion be identified within the school’ (Linked to Rec.10) |
Agreed |
10 - Transport Planning Unit to develop and issue a best practice guide for York schools, to includea toolbox of measures for schools to pick and choose from when producing/revising their STP |
Agreed that this be progressed as resources allow. |
REASON: In order to provide an appropriate response to the Scrutiny recommendations, taking into account the resources required.