Issue - decisions

Minutes of Working Groups

30/11/2010 - Minutes of Working Groups

RESOLVED:  (i)         That the minutes of the LDF Working Group be noted and that:

a)     approval be given to the York Retail Topic paper, as set out in Annex A to the report to the Working Group, for publication as part of the LDF evidence base;

b)     approval be given to the York Central Retail Assessment Stages 1 and 2, included as background papers to the Topic Paper, for publication as part of the LDF evidence base;

c)      authority be delegated to the Director of City Strategy, in consultation with the Executive Member for City Strategy and the City Strategy Opposition Spokesperson, to make any other necessary changes arising from the recommendations of the LDF Working Group, prior to publication of the documents as part of the LDF evidence base;

d)     the recommended policy approach to future retail development, as set out in paragraphs 95 to 105 of the report to LDF Working Group, be noted as a starting point for developing the approach to retail development in the Core Strategy submission draft. 


(ii) That Officers be requested to ensure in future that the minutes of the LDF Working Group are circulated with the report to Executive, that those items which include recommendations for Executive approval are clearly identified and that, to avoid delays in implementing recommendations, draft minutes are tabled as soon as possible.


(iii) That, in line with the resolution made at Full Council on 7 October 2010, Officers be asked to table the requested report on short term let properties as soon as practical.


(iv) That the minutes of the Young People’s Working Group (YPWG), attached as Annex A to the report, be noted and that it be agreed that:

a)                 the comments of the representatives of the York Youth Council be noted;

b)                 members of the YPWG continue to support the development of the Youth Council and its activities;

c)                  the YPWG support the notion of ‘Change Champions’ as a means of bringing together young people of all ages with decision makers and elected Members;

d)                 the YPWG support the role of the A Team, engaging with them four to five times per year;

e)                 Member attendance at the meetings of the Junior A Team be investigated.


REASON:      In accordance with the requirements of the Council’s Constitution in relation to the role of Working Groups.


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