Issue - decisions

2011/12 Budget Process Planning Framework and MTFF Update

21/07/2010 - 2011/12 Budget Process Planning Framework and MTFF Update

RESOLVED: (i)         That the emerging issues highlighted in the report be noted and that the outline timetable, and plans to commence the budget consultation in September, be agreed in principle.


                        (ii)        That it be noted that any communication direct to households will be through Your City , which will need to be timetabled to assist with the process.


                        (iii)       That Officers be requested to develop a process for group public engagement with the business community and residents in the autumn, with detailed information on the 2010/11 budget lines, for recommendations to be included for the 2011/12 budget.


                        (iv)       That Officers be requested to ensure that the communications plan complies with the equalities requirements of the Council.


                        (v)        That the Chief Executive be requested to provide an update report on the work that is being done to relieve York of the burdens of unnecessary red tape, and that these savings be quantified.


REASON:      So that the 2011/12 can be prepared in a timely manner, whilst ensuring that the impacts of the More for York programme and government spending cuts are communicated to York residents and businesses as part of the consultation.


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