Issue - decisions

2010/11 Capital Programme Monitor 3

16/02/2011 - Capital Programme - Monitor 3

[See also under Part B Minutes]


RESOLVED: (i)         That the 2010/11 revised budget of £64.802m, as set out in paragraph 6 and Table 2, be noted.


                        (ii)        That the re-stated capital programme for 2010/11-2014/15, as set out in paragraph 14 and Table 13, and detailed in Annex A, be noted.


                        (iii)       That the use of an additional £124k of Prudential Borrowing for the funding of Self Issue Library machines which will generate future savings, as detailed in paragraph 24, be approved.


                        (iv)       That the underspend of £28k on the special bridge maintenance scheme, which has been transferred to a winter resilience approved in accordance with financial regulations by the Director of Customer & Business Support Services, as detailed in paragraph 30, be noted.


                        (v)        That the use of capital contingency to the value of £40k, to enable work on the James Street Travellers’ Site Flood Defence to progress, be approved.


REASON:      To enable the effective management and monitoring of the Council’s capital programme.


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