Issue - decisions

Public Rights of Way - Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, Preparation of Definitive Map Former County Borough of York (Fishergate, Guildhall and Micklegate Wards)

07/04/2010 - Public Rights of Way - Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, Preparation of Definitive Map Former County Borough of York (Fishergate, Guildhall and Micklegate Wards)

RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member defers a decision on the proposals until the next meeting in order to allow officers time to prepare a tabular response to each of the representations which have been made in writing by Councillors Merrett, D’Agorne and the Ramblers Association.


REASON:                  In order to allow the Executive Member to be fully informed when making decisions on the  addition of these footpaths to a Definitive Map and in making Definitive Map Modification Orders to register the existence of all public rights of way in that area.


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