Issue - decisions

Safety Camera Feasibility Report

30/03/2010 - Camera Enforcement Project Summary Report

RESOLVED: (i)         That camera enforcement be agreed in principle as a casualty reduction method.


                        (ii)        That approval be given to proceed to a full business case to enable a camera enforcement unit to be established under the recommended site selection criteria and governance model.


                        (iii)       That a smaller scale pilot camera enforcement operation be established and operate for 12 months to evaluate its effectiveness and inform a final decision at the end of the trial period.


                        (iv)       That Officers be requested to bring a further report, after the business case and pilot, for a final decision on the continuation, and implementation, of a Safety Camera Partnership.


                        (v)        That it be noted that the pilot would be run using Police staff, seconded to the role and line managed through North Yorkshire Police with operational oversight through the 95 Alive partnership and that, for full management of a Safety Camera Partnership, new governance arrangements would be required.


REASON:      Because analysis of the data across the whole of York and North Yorkshire indicates that there are locations where safety camera technology could reduce speed related, serious and fatal injury accidents.  Further work is required to finalise the detail of how a partnership might work within North Yorkshire and York.


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