Issue - decisions

Economic Masterplan and York Renaissance Team

17/11/2009 - Economic Masterplan and York Renaissance Team

RESOLVED: (i)         That the proposal set out in the report be endorsed and that approval be given for:


a)     The preparation of an economic masterplan for the City, to be funded by Yorkshire Forward and completed by May 2010;

b)     The creation of a York Renaissance Team consisting of six officers on three-year fixed term contract, employed by City of York Council and funded by Yorkshire Forward and English Heritage;

c)      The establishment of a York Renaissance Academy to enhance staff skills in ‘place-making’, to be funded by Yorkshire Forward.


REASON:            To provide greater certainty for future investment in the City.


                        (ii)        That updates be requested on how the economic masterplan will improve the sustainability objectives of the Council and the Local Strategic Partnership in developing York as an example of a low carbon economy, and the stimulation of local jobs and training during future developments in the City.


REASON:      To keep the Executive informed on the benefits that the economic masterplan is expected to bring to the City.


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