Issue - decisions

Six Monthly Speed Review

01/12/2009 - Six Monthly Review of Speeding Issues

RESOLVED:                         That the Executive Member for City Strategy:


i)                  Agrees to support the joint working initiatives, which result in, a wider, more in depth process to tackle speed issues in York (Speed Review Process, Option 1).


ii)                Instructs Officers to make available the speed management request form in a format that can be completed and submitted electronically and to liaise with the IT development team with the intention of introducing a web based reporting system as quickly as is practical.


iii)              Agrees that, in future, any speed management request forms submitted by Councillors will be processed in the same way as those submitted direct by residents.


iv)              Requests Officers to ensure in future reports that,  where promises of ‘targeted enforcement’ have been made, feedback on the success of such measures is provided in the 6 monthly reviews.


REASON:                              To ensure that speed issues are considered with partnership collaboration to give a stronger and more robust response to issues raised.


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