Issue - decisions

First Corporate Performance & Finance Monitor

22/09/2009 - First Performance and Financial Monitor for 2009/10

RESOLVED: (i)         That the performance issues identified in the report be noted.


REASON:      So that corrective action on these issues can be taken by Members and directorates.


(ii) That the finance issues identified in the report be noted, in particular:

a)                 The significant pressures arising due to the economic recession and social care costs;

b)                 The work already undertaken within directorates to reduce the potential overspend;

c)                  The need for further work to bring expenditure in line with the budget;

d)                 The longer term need for growth in some budgets, which will require compensating efficiencies and service transformation across the Council.


REASON:      So that corrective action can be taken to bring the Council’s expenditure within budget.


(iii) That the appropriate Scrutiny committees be requested to review the reasons for, and possible options for offsetting, the increases in the number of looked-after children, together with the demand levels for adult community care packages and care packages, which are both having an impact on the Council’s budget.


REASON:      To ensure that there are appropriate levels of intervention and support available to the community.


(iv) That Officers be requested to update the Executive on lobbying to gain for York a fair grant based on the government formula for the City, the reimbursement of the actual costs of concessionary fares, and recycling of landfill tax money to councils like York which have exceeded government targets for recycling.


REASON:      To help ensure that York receives its fair share of government grant.


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