Issue - decisions

Westminster Road Petitions

02/09/2009 - Westminster Road Petitions

RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member agrees to:


i)Approve the course of action detailed in Options A and B of the report be approved which will allow:


a.      Further surveys to be undertaken once the road humps on Westminster Road have been replaced and the results reported to a future Decision Session meeting


b.      Progress the introduction of a 20 mph limit and undertake a review of the School Travel Plan


(ii)               Options G and H in the report be given further consideration as part of the reporting of the above;


(iii)             That the option of introducing build outs or chicanes as a method of controlling both traffic speed and volumes also be evaluated;


REASON:                  These options to take forward for further works to alleviate traffic problems encountered by residents in the Westminster Road and The Avenue are considered to be the most appropriate options to progress at this time.


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