Issue - decisions

Public Rights of Way - Proposal to restrict public rights between Scarcroft Road back lane and Scarcroft Green, Micklegate using a Gating Order.

08/07/2009 - Public Rights of Way - Proposal to restrict public rights over the access between Scarcroft back lane and Scarcroft Green, Micklegate Ward, York

RESOLVED: That the Executive Member accepts Option B and resolves to:


i)                    Authorise the Director of City Strategy to instruct the Head of Civic, Democratic and Legal Services to make a Gating Order to close the access point/gap in the boundary, leading onto Scarcroft Green from Scarcroft Road back lane, Micklegate Ward, in accordance with s129A of the Highways Act 1980 and to provide a gate.

ii)                  Advise residents of Scarcroft View that the Council will agree to them having access via the gate onto the green should they make a financial contribution towards the costs of installing and maintaining the gate.


REASON:      In order that the access point/gap in the railings, leading onto Scarcroft Green from Scarcroft Road back lane, Micklegate Ward, can be closed by providing a gate to help prevent crime and anti-social behaviour currently associated with the back lane


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