Issue - decisions

Petition requesting the completion of the link road between James Street and Heworth Green is completed (James Street Link Road Phase 2).

03/06/2009 - Petition from Local Residents requesting the Council to ensure completion of the James Street Link Road

RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member for City Strategy agrees to:

      i)Note the content of the petition, and ask officers to pursue negotiations with the developer.

ii) When the outcomes of the negotiations are known, a   further report on the financial and legal implications is submitted to a future meeting with the Executive Member for a decision to be considered on:

·                    Pursuing the developer’s signing of the Agreement requiring him to construct the remaining southern section of Phase 2 (P2S).

·                    Authorising the commissioning of the remaining stages of the design programme to enable P2S to be considered for inclusion in the 2009/10 capital programme.

iii)    Reply to the lead petitioner.

REASON:            To enable Officers to complete negotiations with the developer with a view to obtaining completion of the Link Road.          


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