Issue - decisions

The Efficiency Review

07/07/2009 - Effective Organisation Programme – Efficiency Review

RESOLVED: (i)         That approval be given to commence the year 1 Efficiency projects set out in paragraph 25 of the report.


                        (ii)        That the proposed Programme governance arrangements set out in Annex 3 be noted.


                        (iii)       That authority be delegated to the Director of Resources to agreed financial commitments to Northgate Kendrick Ash (on the basis of the risk reward model), and agree allocations from and to the Efficiency Reserve, to enable the delivery of the Efficiency Programme.


                        (iv)       That authority be delegated to the Executive Board to manage the programme of efficiency projects and to develop further detailed proposals for years 2 and 3.


                        (v)        That progress on the Efficiency Programme be reported at least quarterly to the Executive, and to an all-party meeting of Group Leaders.


REASON:      To enable the Council to commence work on delivery of the strategic objective to be an Effective Organisation, to deliver service improvements and create efficiency savings of £15m over the next three years.


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