Issue - decisions

Petition for removing traffic and pedestrian hazards on Clifton Green

17/03/2009 - Petition Concerning Traffic and Pedestrian Hazards on Clifton Green

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member for City Strategy to:


(i)           Note the content of the petition;

(ii)                    Support Options a – d as outlined in paragraph 29 of the report;


(iii)                  As part of the review in this area Officers to also examine:

·                    Possible creation of a crossing point on the A19 near to St Philip and St James Church, Clifton;

·                    Measures to slow traffic when turning left into Clifton Green, adjacent to the Old Grey Mare to enable pedestrians to cross safely.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


 REASON:   To acknowledge the traffic concerns raised by residents living in the vicinity of Clifton Green.   


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